Fail fast, learn faster

Every start is essential; you’re open to trying new things, seeing a different perspective, and maybe, questioning yourself if you have been doing it the right way.

Fail fast, learn faster

Every start is essential; you’re open to trying new things, seeing a different perspective, and maybe questioning yourself if you have done it correctly.

Failing is normal and is part of the learning process. Don’t be afraid to ask; don’t be scared to look like a fool; the more information you collect, the better results you will bring.

This week, I’ve failed in many ways. I’m in the middle of an onboarding process in a new company, and things are very different from what I used to do, and that’s OK. I’m learning something new, and that’s awesome.

My mentors have been significant in this process; they understand the learning process and have been supporting me, even if the things I asked for are not part of the scope of the task I’m working on.

Enjoy the learning process; mistakes are allowed; it’s an essential part of it. Fail fast, learn faster.