Make sure you're not building other people's dreams

I didn't expect to lose my job due to a budget cutoff. I was great at my job, and I used to think that being good would protect me, that it was enough to keep me covered, so this scenario wasn't possible in my head. I was so wrong.

Make sure you're not building other people's dreams

This week, I got bad news: I got laid off. It's kind of difficult to tell, but a few days before, I received good feedback on my performance, but the project was going down, so there's nothing else to tell.

This bubble I was part of since 2022 after COVID-19 has blown away. I know I'm not the only one; it was just a matter of time until this got me, too.

So, what's next? Uncertain now, I plan to take some time and think about my next move. During this bonanza period, I was able to start a small business. My family and I opened a Chinese "restaurant" in a popular place.

Why do I mention this? I didn't expect to lose my job due to a budget cutoff. I was great at my job, and I used to think that being good would protect me, that it was enough to keep me covered, so this scenario wasn't possible in my head. I was so wrong.

The time keeps running, and everything and everyone passes. We are not indispensable. Make sure you're not just a piece of someone else's game, a game you do not own.

Times have changed, and maybe we must change too. It's essential to start thinking about our future and ourselves. I was planning to work continuously until my early forties, but I was planning on something that I didn't have control over.

Our job couldn't be our goal; we must build our destiny, which is something we own. So, if we fail, it's because of ourselves, not for others' decisions. We must use everything around us to build it. That's a must. So, we don't see ourselves with empty hands at the end of our lives, remembering how good we were at building others' dreams and not ours.